3939 Cambie Street

Cambie Village Apartment Building Aerial | CBRE NIT

Cambie Village Apartment Building | CBRE NIT



3939 Cambie Street is an 18-unit multi-family building. with exceptional street frontage along Cambie Street, providing direct vehicle access to Downtown Vancouver. Strategically positioned only one block from King Edward Station on the Canada Line SkyTrain Station, the Property offers convenient accessibility throughout Metro Vancouver. This opportunity presented the Buyer with a fully occupied and well-maintained multi-family building in a prime location near several amenities and affluent neighbourhoods with the opportunity to assume the existing 10-year CMHC-insured financing with People’s Trust as what is now a below-market interest rate. As a result, the purchaser acquired a unique opportunity to capitalize on the historical strength of Vancouver’s rental apartment market with an irreplaceable long-term investment property.

Through a full-scale marketing campaign highlighting these key features, CBRE successfully transacted the asset to a private investor.


3653 Wayburne


1308 Adanac